Social Emotional Curriculum

The Riverview School District understands the importance of providing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to every student, and uses the Second Step curriculum in K-5 classrooms.  At Stillwater, teachers lead their students in this lessons.  In addition to this, your school counselor plans classroom visits with each teacher, allowing her to build relationships with students and staff while teaching important topics throughout the year.  Topics include anti-bullying, safety, mindfulness, friendship, career awareness, test-anxiety prep, and others depending on the needs of the building each year.

Second Step topics include:

  • Skills for Learning
  • Empathy
  • Emotion Management
  • Problem-Solving

To learn more about the Second Step curriculum, visit their website.

In the K-2 classrooms, we use Kelso’s Choice to help students learn effective problem-solving.


Image result for kelso's choices

Student’s learn the difference between big problems (things that are dangerous and require adult assistance) and small problems that can be solved by them by using one of 9 choices.  We encourage our students to attempt to solve their small problems by using a couple of the choices before asking an adult for help.  This increases their sense of ability, and encourages them to think about appropriate ways to handle everyday situations that arise.